Dr. Sudhir Chandra Bose Memorial Oration

Year Name of the Orator Subject
1985 Dr. Himangshu Basu Laser in Gynaecology
1986 Dr. C. C. Mitra Genesis of a surgical Technique in the Treatment of Carcinoma Cervix
1987 Dr. K. M. Gun High Risk Pregnancy with particular reference to Bad Obstetric History
1988 Dr. B. C. Lahiri Cancer cervix update and place of modified radical hysterectomy
1989 Dr. Sobha Ghosh Obstetric Service – Today and Tomorrow
1990 Dr. S. D. Khandwala Videolaparoscopic Surgery
1991 Dr. Ajit Kumar Sarkar Endometrial Carcinoma
1992 Dr. G. S. Mondal Energencies in Gynaecology
1993 Dr. B. Halder Management of Genital Prolapse
1994 Dr. Mahamaya Sarkar Gynaelogical Surgery – Yesterday Today and Tomorrow
1995 Dr. Kalyani Mukherjee Endoscopy Surgery in Gynaecology
1996 Prof. R. Rajan Progestin ip-Gynaecology
1997 Dr. Anita Sengupta Management of Gestational Trophoblastic disease in Developing Countries
1998 Dr. H. Duttagupta Critical Analysis of Maternity Services in India
1999 Dr. K. C. Mitra Caesarean Section in the millennium
2000 Dr. Baidyanath Chakraborty Surgical Corrections of Ambiguous Genitalia
2001 Dr. Jitesh Chandra Samadder Changing Trends in the Antenatal Care
2002 Prof. Partha Kr. Bhattacharyya Endometrial Carcinoma – an emerging threat
2003 Prof. Dr. Asoke Ghosh Audit in obstetrics
2004 Dr. Shyam V. Desai Operative Delivery in Modern Obstetrics
2005 Dr. Alok Debdas Descent Meter : A New Simple Objective Method of Measuring Progressive Descent Of Presenting part in Labour
2006 Prof. Mumtaz Sanghamita Evolution in Ultrasonography
2007 Prof. Amiya Kr. Bhattacharyya HIV in Obstetrics
2008 Prof. Sudipta Bose What’s new in allo immunized Pregnancy
2009 Prof. Sudarshan Saha Reaprisal of Cervical Cancer – A them to think
2010 Dr. Sanjib Kr. Mukhopadhyay As I have practiced it…………….
2011 Dr. Samendra Nath Roy Evidence based current management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding