Dr. Subodh Mitra Memorial Oration

Year Name of the Orator Subject
1967 Sir John Harold Peel Cervical Cancer
1968 Dr. P. N. Wahi Cervical Dysplasia
1969 Dr. Somnath Roy Recent Advances in Reproductive Endocrinology
1970 Dr. T. K. Ghosh Carcinoma
1971 Dr. M. P. John Years
1972 Prof. K. Bhaskar Rao Trophoblastic Tumours
1973 Oration not held -
1974 Dr. R. K. Dutta Chowdhury Some aspects of Cancer Cervix
1974 Dr. R. K. Dutta Chowdhury Some aspects of Cancer Cervix
1975 Sir Stanley Clayton First year of life
1976 Prof. R. K. Halder Place of Modern Radio Therapy in the Treatment of cancer
1977 Prof. C. J. Dewhurst Hirsutism and its Management by Antiandrogens
1978 Prof. S. S. Ratnam Trophoblastic Disease and its Managemen
1979 Dr. Ranjit Roy Chowdhury Intra Uterine Devices
1980 Prof. Brudenel Preterm Labour
1981 Mr. G. D. Pinker Chronic Renal Failure in Pregnancy
1982 Prof. (Mrs) Muriel Feigulson Antenatal Diagnosis of foetal Malformation
1983 Prof. Mukulika Konar Malignancy of Female Genital Tract
1984 Dr. Dilip Roy Ovarian Carcinoma
1985 Dr. Nishith Kr. Ghosh Eclampsia-past present and future
1986 Prof. Bryan Hinnard Chemotherapy in Cancer
1987 Dr. N. N. Roychoudhury Carcinoma of the Cervix updated prevalence Detection and Surgical Treatment of Early cases.
1989 Prof. V. N. Purandare Ovarian Tumour in the Adolescent
1990 Dr. David Oram An Overview of Ovarian Malignancy
1991 Dr. A. P. Majumder Management of Pelvic Malignancies in Female-A Challenge
1992 Dr. John Studd Oestrogen, Depression & Feminism
1993 Dr. Saroj Gupta Changing Concepts in the Management of Ovarian Carcinoma
1994 Dr. Shrish N. Daftari Venous Disease in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
1995 Mr. Himangshu Basu A Critical Analysis of Technical Aspects of Hysterectomy
1996 Dr. R. W. Baldwin Minimal Invasive Surgery
1997 Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Saraiya Diagnosis & Management of premalignant Lesion of Cervix
1998 Dr. Sujit Kr. Banerjee Management of Ovarian Malignancy in the last three decades
1999 Dr. Jayasree Roychoudhury Tumour Markers is Cervical Cancer
2000 Prof. C. J. G. Sutton History of Hysterectomy
2001 Prof. Peter Bowen Simpkins Management of Menorrhagia
2002 Prof. Manab Kr. Sanyal Multi Fetal Pregnancy
2003 Dr. Alfred B. Jenson Vaccine for Cancer Cervix - The Future Direction.
2004 Dr. S. H. Advani Advances in the management of ovarian And trophoblastic tumours.
2005 Prof. Kalpana Sarkar Pregnancy Outcome in Working Women.
2006 Dr. Prabir Sur Treatment of CA Cervix - yesterday, today & tomorrow
2007 Dr. Neerja Bhatla Hpv Dna Test – A New Paradigm In Cervical Screening
2008 Prof. Pratap Kumar Beyond Sperm Count - Recent Advances in Male Infertility
2009 Dr. Indrani Ganguly Healthy Ageing: Global Problem, Indian Solution
2011 Prof. Hemant B. Tongaonkar Contemporary Management of Ovarian Cancer
2012 Dr. Sujit Basu Neurotransmitter dopamine mediated regulation of angiogenesis: from bench to the clinics
2012 Dr. Subir Ganguly Advances in Gynaecological Oncology: A non-surgical perspective
2013 Prof Usha Menon Ovarian Cancer Screening
2014 Dr Johaness Bitzer Contraception- In Extreme of Ages
2015 Dr Sushil Kumar Giri Management of CA Cervix – an Introspection
2016 Prof Krishnendu Gupta HPV vaccines: Boon or bane - a reality check
2017 Dr Susanta Roychoudhury Precision Medicine in Cancer Management: The Story Continues…
2018 Dr Abraham Peedicayil My Tryst with HPV
2020 Dr Amita Maheswari Gynaecological Cancers: Looking Forward Through The Rear View Mirror
2021 Dr R Sankarnarayanan Recent Trends in Cervical Cancer Incidence in India: Implications for Elimination
2022 Prof. Rajiv Sarin Genetics of Gynaecological and Breast Cancers: Implications for the Patient, Family and the Community
2024 Dr Amal Chandra Kataki Cervical Cancer: 21st Century and Beyond