1. What is a hysteroscopy operation?
A hysteroscopy is an operation done to evaluate the inside of the uterine cavity and if necessary operate on the same.
2. How exactly is it done?
A narrow telescope with an illuminated lens at its end is introduced in the uterine cavity through the cervix or neck of the womb. For clear vision, the uterine cavity needs to be distended, which is done with gas or some fluid.
3. Is it a major surgery?
Yes, operations performed through a hysteroscope are major surgeries. Complications may range from anesthetic problems to fluid overload issues. However, hysteroscopy for diagnostic purposes may be performed on an outdoor basis.
4. When may a hysteroscopy operation be needed?
Hysteroscopy for diagnostic purposes is usually performed to assess the cause of sub fertility or find out the cause of abnormal bleeding. It may also be done to remove polyps, resect septae, release adhesions and retrieve lost IUCDs.
5. Where can I have a hysteroscopy surgery done?
Most minimally access surgery units perform hysteroscopy operations in addition to laparoscopy operations.