1. I feel everybody is against me. Nobody understands me. What should I do?
Do not worry. You are not alone. There are many girls of your age group who are feeling the same. But think about it for a moment – why will everyone be against you? Have you done some wrong? More often it is about ideas and opinions not matching. Of course you are loved and wanted in this world and you should understand that this is a passing phase of life which would soon be over.
2. Why do my parents not understand what I want? How can I tell them?
Your parents are not your enemies. After all they brought you into this world and got you to where you are today. At times there will be conflicting view points which can be sorted out with discussions. Before getting angry or upset, you should always think of their view-point on the subject. It is important to confide in your parents and keep them your best friends forever.
3. I feel jealous when I see my best friend flocked around by boys?
That is normal human feeling. Why is she so popular and not me? If there is something special in her, admit it and get over the feelings. Never let the green monster – jealousy eat you up as it can make you do pretty dreadful things. You are special in your own way!
4. I do not like the way I look. Why can I not look like Aishwarya?
You are not the only one who feels like that. Many of us would love to have a beautiful face and body admired by all. But it is important to admit that God has made us all differently and we must appreciate the special qualities present in each of us, which may not be superficial. Beauty is just skin deep, it is time you look beneath.
5. I cannot concentrate on studies. I am always thinking of my boyfriend.
Have you broken up or madly in love? Anyway blame it on your age. There are many girls of your age who would be feeling the same. But grow up lady and there are more things to life than boyfriends. You have your studies and responsibilities towards your family and society and your own future at stake. Sort out your priorities, get over it and move ahead.
6. . Why is she always first in class? Why can’t I up my grades?
She is probably smarter than you are and it is time you admit the fact. If you think otherwise show it in the exams. You must accept everyone cannot be first. Study hard and work on subjects where you need more attention to up your grades.
7. . I always feel down and have contemplated suicide. Can you help me?
You need help dear. Talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist and seek urgent medical help. There are diseases you could be suffering from which need to be treated before you end up doing something drastic.
8. . My mother keeps on comparing me with my elder sister. Please stop her.
I am sure you have some virtues, which she will not have. As no two fingers on a hand are the same, the same goes for sisters. Try to explain it to your father or another close relative who can talk to your mother.
9.Why can’t I do what I want in life? I wanna break free.
Unfortunately dear we live in a society and there are some principles we need to follow. Also I am not sure at your age you are quite sure of what you actually want and the consequences of the same. Love life, enjoy life but respect the limits.
10. How can I make friends in school? Nobody seems to like me.
That cannot be true. It is just the way you have felt or believed. I am sure your teacher will help you. Get involved in sports and extracurricular activities. You will surely get some girls with common interests and that lays the first seeds of friendship.