1. What is wrong in crash dieting?
By crash dieting I presume you mean eating nothing or very little if at all. Your body needs some nutrients for daily activity, which are not stored and need to be replenished everyday. Besides this a certain amount of roughage is necessary for clear evacuation of bowels. Crash dieting is scientifically unhealthy and can make you sick and deficient in essential nutrients. If you want to lose weight, cut down on the carbohydrates and fats and start a regular exercise schedule.
2. I am 16 years and weigh 33kg. I think I am fat.
No dear you are not. Though you have not mentioned your height. Assuming it to be 5 feet 4 inches you should be around 45 kg. You have a misconception, which needs to be cleared by a dietician and doctor.
I am in the secret habit of vomiting after food and taking laxatives, I have an obsession against gaining weight. Is there something wrong in that?
Of course it is wrong. Have you heard others doing the same? Forced vomiting after food besides loss of nutrients will corrode your food pipe and teeth. You will not gain weight if you take a nutritious diet and engage in regular physical activity. All this vomiting and laxatives are pretty unnecessary.
4. I am 18 years and am 5 feet 5 inches. What should be my ideal weight?
A good reference would be referring to the chart catering to Indian women.
5. I am 15 years old and weigh 67 kg. My mother says it is too much. What should I do? Is losing weight important?
Wake up good friend. Assuming a height of five and a half feet you are still at least 10 – 12 kg overweight. You should simply adjust your dietary habits cutting down on junk food, carbohydrate and fats. You should also adopt an exercise regime or engage in an outdoor sport. Losing weight is important to keep you healthy.
I am fat compared to my friends and often feel shunned in a crowd. Some of my friends make fun of me. What should I do?
Lose weight my dear. It is not easy but you have to have the determination to lose weight first. Diet and exercise will do the trick and no magic pill will work. Also do not get easily affected of what people talk about you. When you cannot stop all from talking change yourself.
7. How can I lose weight fast? I do not like to exercise.
There are no shortcuts for losing weight. You need to gradually lose weight and not lose weight fast. Weight lost too fast is also gained fast. Slow and steady remains the key. Diet control and avoiding high calorie food is helpful but exercise is needed too to burn calories. To make exercise fun, convert it into a game of table tennis or badminton. Better still learn swimming or join a dance class!!
8. My nose sticks out of my face. Can I have plastic surgery for that?
No one in this world is perfect and it is time you understand this. It would be ideal to accept yourself as you are and others will follow suit. Plastic surgery should be reserved as a last resort or for the entertainment industry. All surgeries are associated with certain risks and you must understand that.
9. My dark complexion is giving me an inferiority complex. What to do?
Remember the MJ song ‘Black or White’. Dark skin is the last thing, which should give you an inferiority complex. Think about Halle Berry and Naomi Campbell!! It’s the quality or skin texture you should concentrate on. Change what you can i.e. the complex and leave the dark skin. Start thinking beyond skin colour. Learn to match the colours you wear with your skin tone, be lively, smile often and nobody will comment on your colour then.
10. I see many ads about fairness creams. Are they useful?
Stay away from the fairness crèmes, there is no scientific basis for their use as skin colour is genetic and also depends on the production of melatonin a chemical produced by skin cells in response to sunlight. Use a sunscreen instead if you have to as it will prevent tanning. There are many takers for dark skin and you should not worry. There are more important things in life you would probably be involved with than your complexion. Accept it.